Marketing Analysis & Pricing
Home Preparation & Staging
Marketing & Showings
Offers & Negotiation
Contract & Paperwork
Closing & Beyond


We at The Bald Guy Real Estate Team believe that every unique client experience deserves a blend of joy and success along with our one-of-a-kind combination of personal creativity, passion, and energy. One of the most captivating sentences that best describes what we offer is simply this... “Your lifestyle is our business.”

Our whole team from administration to production and everyone in between are passionate about where we live and are here by choice with intention. We are in the business of helping you with your decision to live and 
invest here as well. The idea of actually living in Canada’s playground all while having the privilege and ability to express ourselves through this conduit of real estate is simply magical to us! 

We are totally pumped by this concept and want to ensure that we make this process as authentic and enjoyable for you and your family as possible. Thanks for choosing us to  help you on this exciting journey

Get Your Guide to Selling!

Maximize Your Sale: The Bald Guy Real Estate Team's Exclusive Seller's Guide for a Joyful and Successful Home Selling Journey